Meds 2U Logo

Monitor My Current Kit

Ready to make the switch but have an in-date kit? Fill out this form and we will contact you!
If you are using a different vendor for your emergency dental kit, please make sure you contact them to cancel their service.

Please fill out the expiration date of the medications you would like us to monitor down below

Epinephrine Pen
Epinephrine Pen Jr.
Diphenhydramine Injectable
Diphenhydramine Chew Tabs
Albuterol Inhaler
Nitroglycerin Tablets
Aspirin Tablets
CPR Shield
Epinephrine Vial

Upon expiration, please select the product and replenishment options below
All kits come with Diphenhydramine Injectable, Glucose, Albuterol Inhaler, Nitroglycerin Tablets, Aspirin Tablets, Syringes, CPR Shield + 2 Epinephrine items

Expiration Notification




If you are not sure, we can call you


Automatic as it expires

Automatic as it expires

Upon your approval


Kit Price/Year

Cost per medications

Cost per medications

Shipping Cost

No Cost

$6.99 to $15.99

$6.99 to $15.99

Expiration Disposal

No Cost




No hassle, saves $ long-term

No hassle, cost more long-term

Relies on office for approval

Expiration Notification: Yes

Replenish: Automatic as it expires

Cost: Kit price/year

Shipping Cost: No cost

Expiration Disposal: No cost

Notes: No hassle, saves $ long-term

Expiration Notification: Yes

Replenish: Automatic as it expires

Cost: Cost per medication

Shipping Cost: $6.99 to $15.99

Expiration Disposal: $6

Notes: No hassle, costs more $ long-term

Expiration Notification: Yes

Replenish: Upon your approval

Cost: Cost per medication

Shipping Cost: $6.99 to $15.99

Expiration Disposal: $6

Notes: Relies on office for approval

If you are unsure, we can give you a call for more details

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